Your Effective Guide To Website Navigation

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Most online shoppers are goal oriented. Even when just browsing, they are trying to accomplish a goal. You must design every page on your website to help clients succeed in their quest. If your webpage looks like it does not serve what the visitor is looking for, you can expect the visitor to bounce off or exit your website very quickly.

Even highly motivated visitors tend to lose patience with a website that does not give them the information they need.

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What is this
guide all about?

Over our last ten years of helping companies design hundreds of websites, we have identified that website navigation and website search are the two most ignored elements of website design. Yet, most visitors rely on both of these to help guide their journey throughout a website.

Aiming to help you create better website navigation, this guide includes headlines like:

The six rules for creating an effective website navigation

Five different types of website navigation

Global Navigation or site-wide navigation

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